K-XR - Supplement Reviews (2024)

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About Reviews 5 reviews for K-XR


K-XR is a pre-workout supplement from VMI Sports. It is designed to give users “relentless” stamina and energy, as well as “tunnel vision focus” and more satisfying muscle pumps.

The pre-workout contains a total of 400mg of caffeine in three forms: Caffeine citrate, caffeine anhydrous and di-caffeine malate. Along with hordenine HCI, these ingredients are part of a “Maximum Energy Blend” which VMI Sports includes to give users a mix of slow-acting and fast-acting energy.

K-XR also contains theobromine for muscle pumps, beta-alanine for endurance and taurine for hydration. Choline bitartrate and huperzine A are also included to help users increase focus.


5 reviews for K-XR

  1. K-XR - Supplement Reviews (1)

    Rated 4 out of 5


    VMI at it again

    —-Quick Summary—-
    K-XR is a high stim pre workout, and that’s just what I love. I’ve used high stim pre workouts for as long as I can remember and it takes alot for me to feel them like I need to. I’m really beginning to love VMI as a brand, they offer some really good products and this one is no exception. Thank you VMI and SR for letting me try this.
    So, like I said, I’ve used high stim pre workouts for a really long time, all the way back to the days of the original Jack3d, but I’ve recently taken a break from them for about a year. I tried to cut back on my caffeine intake for a long time but I felt like I was ready again to try a high stim pre workout. I seen some good reviews for this and I seen it was by VMI, which has treated me great in the past, so I figured why not give it a try. I wasn’t taking any other pre workout along side this, this was my energy source. I need that energy as I get older I feel like I get tired quicker, I feel myself slacking sometimes in the gym and a pre workout like this just gives me that push I need. I’ve become a big fan of VMI over the last few months, they seem to have some very good quality products. I work out about 5-7 days a week, with a mix of cardio and weight training.
    —-Ingredient Profile—-
    Ok they do have a prop blend in this, I know a lot of people are wary about this these days, but I believe VMI is a company I can trust when it comes to quality of ingredients so it didn’t bother me much. The prop blend is as follows: First we have an Intense Pump Blend It’s 3,300mg and includes a mix of CarnoSyn (beta-alanine), L-Taurine, Theobromine. Beta Alanine is known to most as that tingling feeling you get when you take a pre workout, it’s main purpose is to raise muscle carnosine levels and to support muscle performance in a short to medium duration. Next we have L-taurine, which is a non essential amino acid which seems to have some mixed benefits. It’s said to help with heart function, vasodilation, and it works as a anti-oxidant. Finally we have Theobromine, this is similar to caffeine and can improve mood and blood flow. We’re not done yet, we now have a Maximum energy blend consisting of 632.5 mg. The main thing about this product that stands out, is the caffeine amount. We have here a triple stage caffeine designed to fuel your entire workout and limit your crash. They do this so you don’t feel the caffeine all at once at the beginning of your workout and then feel super tired when you are in the middle of it. I really like the way they made this. The caffeine amount is about 400 mg, which is a lot of caffeine. Our finally blend is a Focal and Cognitive enhancing blend consisting of 503 mg. It includes choline bitartrate and huperzia serrata extract. Choline is supposed to help increase athletic performance, lower blood pressure, control mood swings and apparently is used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Huperzia Serrata extract was hard to find what it actually does, but apparently it helps with memory loss and is also used to treat Alzheimer’s disease. Overall I think this is a good ingredient profile for a high stim pre workout.
    I received the Cherry Lime Italian Ice flavor and it tasted really good for a pre-workout. I’ve been around long enough to taste some pretty disgusting pre-workouts so I never get my hopes up or expect too much when it comes to the flavor of a pre-workout, but this one surprised me it was actually good. I normally have to just chug it down real fast and deal with the taste but I actually enjoyed this one. I would mix it with about 10 ounces of water and drank it about 20 minutes before my workout. I used 1 scoop a day just about but sometimes I went over a tiny bit, maybe a 3rd. I knew how much caffeine was in it so I was mindful of that. It mixed well, it tasted good and the dosage felt right, what more can you ask.
    So what I wanted out of this product was some hard hitting energy and that’s what got delivered. Every day I took this I could feel the energy I got from it and it helped me a lot. I’m one of those guys who when they get tired they sort of just give up and the rest of there workout is basically useless because of slacking. I need that energy boost and this helped me with that. I wouldn’t get tired as fast and I felt energy throughout my entire workout not just the beginning. In the energy department this was an A plus for me. I got what I needed out of it, usually for example I’d get tired on the treadmill and not want to finish my cardio session because i’m lazy but this helped me push past that feeling and get it over with. As far as pump goes, it was okay, but I wasn’t really looking for a pump product. It was decent, but nothing super. It had an interesting pump profile so I didn’t really expect much out of it. Focus was another area I felt it was good at, I normally get distracted a lot while doing my cardio, I don’t like to listen to music while I work out like most people so the time usually feels like forever but while taking this I felt like time flew by. 45 minute cardio session, no problem. I would start and the next thing I know I was half way there, then I’m finished and it’s like where did the time go. It was a really good addition that I didn’t expect. I get bored a lot when on the treadmill and sometimes I’ll just give up because I’m so bored but this helped me focus on what I was doing and finish it. Really good.
    The cheapest I found this for was on amazon for $29.95 and with free shipping. I believe that’s a pretty good deal considering the quality of what you are getting and how well it works. I would buy it for that. It’s a good price point, not too much. It’s some good value for an effective high stim pre workout. No complaints about the price here.
    —-Side Effects—-
    No side effects to report.
    I really enjoyed using this pre workout. It’s got a lot of energy to give and that’s what I wanted. I have come to respect VMI and the products they offer to be well done and of good quality. K-XR is a good priced pre workout and it works well in most categories. It’s a high stim pre workout so be wary of your caffeine intake but besides that, I definitely recommend you try it.

  2. K-XR - Supplement Reviews (2)

    Rated 4 out of 5


    Killing it, Extremely, Repeatedly… Over reaching or over achieving?

    —-Quick Summary—-
    K-XR is a stim heavy pre-workout designed to get you moving. If you have the guts (and Tolerance) this will get you killing it in the gym.
    Hello all, I am back with another product from VMI. I had the pleasure of running a VMI stack and found that they worked well together and helped me push through some fun workouts. I am a 46 year old guy who isn’t totally ready to admit to being older (if you know what I mean). I have 2 kids a puppy and a wife that take a lot of time. I am generally on a cut as I can gain fat pretty easy. I tend to use supplements to help me with these goals. I logged the products as well, so if your interested feel free to check it out. During the run I was doing stuff everyday. I was lifting 4 days a week (Marc Lobliner 12 week functional fitness), as well as some form of cardio and such on the off days. https://supplementreviews.com/forum/index.php?topic=33345.new#new
    —-Ingredient Profile—-
    OK, my one knock…. Prop blends. I know, it shouldn’t matter but it does. I am getting spoiled in my old age and I like knowing what I am putting in the old system. Anyway here we go, and remember you can always look up ingredients to see what they do and if you want to take them. Niacin 35mg: Can help with blood flow. At this dose it shouldn’t be harmful and can possibly help so it can stay. Vitamin B12 @ 35mcg: Can increase energy, however the effective dosage is probably closer to 1mg, so in this case I would drop this. I do however have a daily vitamin that also has this so I am slightly jaded. Intense Pump Blend: 3.3g Carnosyn, Taurine, Theobromine So the issue would be dosing. Carnosyn (beta alanine) is normally dosed at 3.2 G’s and can be dosed higher. Taurine 500mg to 2000mg. Theobromine 25mg to 1000mg. Let’s assume 3.2g’s of carnosyn, which helps with blood flow (gives the tingles). Then the dosage is good. Which leaves 100mg for the rest. I will say that it worked for me so even if the dosages are low they seem to work together. I don’t think I noticed much pump from the Theobromine, however I think I am too fat for pumps. I noticed a fullness when I added Agmapure, but without that added ingredient I didn’t notice anything. I would like to see this breakdown. 3.2g, 1g, 500mg. But hey that is just me. Maximum energy blend @ 637mg Here we do have a little better idea as they state on the bottle 400mg of caffeine. ( although it is between Caffeine citrate and caffeine anhydrous). Then Infinergy (Dicaffeine Malate), Hordenine HCL, Rawolfia vomitoria root extract. Once again this worked for me. I did not get the jitters nor did I crash. For me this “blend” seemed to work so I don’t think that I would change it. Focal & Cognitive Enhancing Blend @ 503mg Consisting of Choline Bitartrate and Huperzia serrata club moss extract. This is to help your focus. Please read MarsheS review of this as my experience was different. I felt like I was “on” when I took this. My aside note is that I work out at home and don’t have distractions. So for me I felt pretty focused as I went through my workout. At the end of the day I don’t think I would change anything here either.
    I received the Cherry Lime Italian Ice and found it enjoyable. Kind of a tart sweet taste to me. Obviously depending on how much water you use makes the taste different. I had no issues mixing this in as little at 6 ounces of water in my shaker bottle. That being said I normally used 10 to 12 ounces of water. (I work out in the morning and feel I need to get liquids into my system). Dosing is as simple as it can be. 1 scoop 15 to 20 minutes before working out. To be fair, I used this everyday first thing in the morning (maybe a time or two later). I found that it normally started kicking in at the 20 minute mark for me. I also found that even if I waited longer it still helped my workouts. Other thing to note is that if you slam it and go I would feel the effects a little earlier.
    I know that this is the important part of the review. However it is also kind of short and long….. So here is for the short side for you, it works…. Now those of you who are still reading, a little longer version. Looking back at my log, I consistently increased either reps or weight during the whole run of this. I also had extra energy and added some stuff on various days. Considering that the plan I was using was 5 sets of 10 or more I think that is pretty good. I also note that I did cardio after lifting. So even though it is high stim I didn’t feel my heart explode, and yes I have one…. Or at least I haven’t been told I am heartless since high school (you do the math). I also liked that for me I didn’t crash afterwards, just a nice slow mellowing if that makes sense. So for me this was very effective, lastly this was my only caffeine intake for the day so I was glad it lasted a while.
    As of 10/16/2018 VMI is running it for $34.99 a tub, 30 servings (unless you think you need 800mg’s of stims…) https://www.vmisports.com/products/k-xr-pre-workout-supplements Amazon 1 time purchase has it for $29.99. https://www.amazon.com/VMI-Sports-Pre-Workout-Supplement-Endurance/dp/B01MCVX8G9 This is right in my friend zone. Basically a dollar a day, you can’t go wrong with that. I think NutraBio has some that are a little more, however RCSS has YeahBuddy for basically the same. So I am content on paying for this, as it delivered the performance I want.
    —-Side Effects—-
    When stacking with Agmapure I had some pre workout runs to the bathroom. Without that I was way more normal but Caffeine can help loosen things up, at least for me. No emergency evacuation or accidents while working out though. Occasional tingles from the Carnosyn. I will also add that if you are stimulant sensitive to be aware this has a good kick….
    This is pretty simple. If you are stimulant sensitive, try a quarter or half scoop. If you like stims use this for 30 productive workouts. I know that there are some prop blends in this and I would like to see the transparency that NutraBio shows, however this seemed to work. More importantly there didn’t seem to be any effects that would make me question what is in here. (if you know what I mean). VMI seems to have come out with products that work for me and therefore I will cut them some slack on the blends thing. I look forward to running some of the other flavors down the road and would tell you all that you should give this a go as well. As a final thought/ side note, I am a VERY STIM tolerant person. I know some of the reviewers had issues with this, but I honestly didn’t. So, use your head, check your ego at the door and use this responsibly…..

  3. K-XR - Supplement Reviews (3)

    Rated 4 out of 5


    K-XR will get you J.A.C.K.E.D.

    —-Quick Summary—-
    A nice stimulant pre-workout with a good price.
    Thank you to the people at VMI who continue to produce good supplements. Stimulant post-workout is not a normal supplement in my workout but I wanted this because I needed a boost to keep my cardio going after weight lifting. This was a product that is easy to take and mix with my normal supplement products. This was a pre-workout that did what I wanted and delivered like most VMI products do.
    —-Ingredient Profile—-
    The intro ingredients are Niacin 35 mg and vitamin B12 35 mg. The ingredients are then put into 3 categories called Intense Pump Blend 3.3 g, Maximum Energy Blend 637 mg, and Focul & Cognitive Enhancing Blend 505 mg. It does not break down each ingredient which I prefer. Intense Pump Blend is CarnoSyn (Beta-Alanine), Taurine, and Theobromine. The Maximum Energy Blend is a Caffeine mix, Hordenine, and Raulwolfia Root. The Focul & Cognitive is Choline Bilartrate and Huperzia Serada. Beta-Alanine is an amino acid that helps muscle fatigue and can help with weight loss, muscle growth, fight heart disease, and define the body. Taurine is an amino acid with many benefits such as stop weight gain, prevents seizure, and helps with heart disease. Theobromine is used as a heart stimulant. Caffeine is straight forward and is found in teas and coffee. Hordenine for cognitive function, stimulate energy and improve mood. It can also be an appetite suppression. Rauwolfia can lower blood pressure. Choline is for cognitive boosting properties and is a liver health agent. It is able to cut fatty liver build up found in high amounts in eggs, the yolks in particular. Huperzia Serrata is from a northern plant to work with brain functioning. These ingredients are found in other pre-workouts or supplements and I have no issues with the ingredients, so I give it a good rating.
    I was able to get this in Cherry Lime Italian Ice and the taste was good. Mixability was good and the product broke down well. The dosing was good. It was one scoop that I mixed with water 8 oz (0.3 kg) water and it said to take it 30 minutes before workout. Everything was good and had no issues, so I give it a good ranking.
    I think the effectiveness was great. I normally take my pre-workout on the way to the gym which is only about 5-10 minutes away. I do this because my workouts usually takes 1.5 hours with the last 45 minutes being cardio and I want to make sure there is enough energy toward the end of the workout. Since cardio is at the end and I want to keep up my workout going after weight lifting, so I want the necessary energy at the end. When taking it about 5-10 minutes before the workout, I would feel a boost in energy around cardio time. After a few weeks of working out, I did not shake the tub so a few days I got a ton of energy so remember to shake the tub often. I am not saying I got it every time, but I did get more at the end. I am not for sure how you handle a pre-workout but I prefer taking mine 5-10 minutes before workout and have had success with that and get what I need. Regardless of how you take your pre-workout, this pre-workout was effective. I give this a high-ranking.
    I found this for $30 with 30 servings which is $1.00 per serving. This is good price compared to the good pre-workouts on the market. If you can get it for $1 or cheaper per serving and the product is good, than get it. I give this a great rating.
    —-Side Effects—-
    All in all, good product for a stimulant pre-workout. The ingredient was great and I also enjoyed the taste. I did feel that the product was working. The value was good because less expensive than other stimulant products. I had no side effects which can come with some pre-workouts. I will give it a good value overall.

  4. K-XR - Supplement Reviews (4)

    Rated 4 out of 5


    Gimme the Pawmp. I Love The PAWMMMMP!

    —-Quick Summary—-
    K-XR Pre-Workout supplement is solution to your high stimulant pre-workout needs. K-XR delivers everything you need, when you need it prior to training. -RELENTLESS ENERGY & STAMINA 400mg caffeine split between fast acting and slow release forms, for ENDLESS energy during the most intense training sessions. -PUMPS & PERFORMANCE Patented CarnoSyn Beta Alanine, Theobromine and L-Taurine to boost endurance, stamina, pumps, and hydration. -MIND-MUSCLE CONNECTION K-XR Pre-Workout supplement provides potent focus boosters including Choline Bitartrate and Huperzine A, to give tunnel vision focus and superior mind-muscle connection. -MUSCLE BUILDING Longer workouts with greater intensity yields superior results in the gym, and bigger gains all around!
    Thank you SR Trooper Program and VMI Sports for allowing me the opportunity to try this preworkout along with sending me some awesome samples. When I first glanced at the label and saw 400mg of caffeine, I was like, “Hell yea, I’m about to go tear thangs up!” I work out early in the morning, so I want all the kick that I can get to keep me moving. I’ve had pre-workouts with less than 400mg of caffeine that have given me a bigger boost than K-XR, however, I felt that where it was underwhelming in energy it delivered in areas of consistent skin tingles, pump, and focus.
    —-Ingredient Profile—-
    Intense Muscle Blend 3300 mg Proprietary Blend: Carnosyn (beta-alanine), L-Taurine, TheobromineMaximum Energy Blend 632.5 mg Proprietary Blend: Triple stage caffeine (KAFF caffeine citrate, caffeine anhydrous, infineregy di-caffeine malate), norcoclaurine (higenamine HCI), rauwolfia vomitoria extract (std. min 90% Rauwolscine)(root bark) Focal & Cognitive Enhancing Blend 503 mg Proprietary Blend: Choline bitrate, huperzia serrata extract (std. min. 1% huperzine a)(club moss)Other Ingredients: Citric acid, natural & artificial flavor, silica, sucralose, acesulfame potassium, FD&C 40. As mentioned before, I felt like the 400mg of caffeine stated on the product didn’t really do it for me. Even though this product has prop blends, I felt that the Intense Muscle Blend and Focal Cognitive Enhancing Blend really saved this PWO for me. I had some pretty awesome pumps and my focus was on point whenever I needed it. What made me really enjoy K-XR was the consistency of those feelings day after day.
    Taste: 7/10 I received the Gummy Bear flavor and had really high expectations of pure deliciousness. The taste that I was expecting would have been a mild tart with a smooth sweetness, however, the the flavor that I got was really tart and sweet. I did taste a little bit of the chemical after taste towards the end but mixing with water or dry-scooping was tolerable. Mixability: 10/10 No problems putting a scoop into my water and swirling or dry scooping. Mixed smoothly and went down smooth as well. Dosing: 7/10 The label suggests 1 scoop 15-30 mins before training or 1/2 scoop to assess tolerance. Even though this PWO had 400mg of caffeine, I felt like it wasn’t enough for me considering I have tried other heavy hitting stim products with less caffeine. I did get some solid workouts in, I just didn’t get the kick that I was expecting.
    7/10 I really like the feeling of skin tingles. K-XR made my skin tingle every time that I have taken it. The energy increase was barely noticeable to me but the the pumps and focus were there. I had some really enjoyable workouts because I can really feel the ingredients kick in when I’m doing isolated exercises. I didn’t notice any extra vascularity from this pre but the pumps that I got felt like bulking season pumps. Sort of like when you’ve gotten a good amount of carbs in or a good cheat meal prior to a workout. Amazing feeling. Overall, I enjoyed K-XR but I would like MOAR STIM!!!
    The cheapest price I found for this product is 29.99 on Amazon. $1 a scoop isn’t bad, however, I feel that 24.99 would have been a better price point to stay competitive with some of the other products out there.
    —-Side Effects—-
    I feel like VMI Sports has a great thing going on here. The product label looks pretty awesome and the pre-workout wasn’t underwhelming nor was it overwhelming. This “high stimulant” product wasn’t the solution for me, but everything else was! All in all, I loved that the product worked and they have some pretty intriguing flavors which might lead me to try this product again.

  5. K-XR - Supplement Reviews (5)

    Rated 3 out of 5


    The one trick pony, and the one trick fades away

    —-Quick Summary—-
    Good Energy equivalent to caffeine pills but nothing else to talk about.
    What is going on guys? The quest for the ultimate pre workout will never end, but the only way to try to find that magical formula that can throw you through a wall is to keep trying! I’d like to thank SR and VMI for the opportunity to write this review. Let’s dive right in!
    —-Ingredient Profile—-
    Here’s what we know: it has 400mg of caffeine (wow), 1.5g of beta-alanine (just under half a clinical dose), and 500mg choline bitrate (another pretty low dose). The rest of the ingredient dosages are hidden in prop blends. “Intense Pump Blend” 3300mg: Carnosyn (beta-alanine), L-Taurine, Theobromine. IMO there should be twice as much beta alanine in here because 1.5g won’t ever give me tingles and other ingredients such as betaine or creatine should be added to even pass this as a ‘muscle blend’ and it would need NO boosters and citrulline or agmatine to even think about being called a pump blend. Taurine may have an okay dose in the remaining 1.7g of this blend but not enough to notice any of its full effects that its can do with blood flow and such. “Maximum Energy Blend” 637mg: Multiple forms of caffeine mixed together here to get to 400mg of caffeine (Caffeine citrate, anhydrous, and di-caffeine) and then they added norcoclaurine and rauwolfia vomitoria extract with the remaining couple hundred milligrams. “Focal and Cognitive Enhancing Blend” 503mg: basically just choline bitrate because it says 500mg of CB on the front and i guess 3mg of hypersuzia. Would love to see more than half a grams worth of ingredients in a ‘focusing blend.’ Here’s my two cents, this is a stim junkie ‘crackhead’ feeling kind of pre workout formula that revs you up with caffeine to hype you up and then thats about it! The other ingredients are too under-dosed to give you strength or focusing benefits from what I’ve used in the past. Once your body adapts to the caffeine dosage then what? You’re left with shot adrenal glands and can’t even get a feeling from the crazy high caffeine dosage.
    Taste: Gummy bear was good. No criticism here, just reminded of a melted down candy kind of flavor Mixibility: No problems, very standard Dosage: 1 serving before my workouts. You’d have to be insane to double scoop this with that much caffeine.
    Energy: This is the only benefit I received from this product. 400mg of caffeine for someone that does not consume caffeine regularly would knock them down and maybe out lol but I have built up a tolerance over time and I still got good energy from this product. I will say that my body started to adapt halfway through my third week with the product, meaning that the energy sensation that I got was becoming weaker. But for the most part I had big energy for all my workouts with this product. Everything else (Focus, Blood Flow, Endurance, Muscle Performance): The Pump was nonexistent I wasn’t going to even acknowledge this part but they had ‘blood flow’ as a benefit under the manufacturer description so I felt I had to at least address it. If the minimal dose of taurine was expected too deliver a boost to blood flow/pump that was just being overly optimistic. My strength and endurance were not affected by this product for better or for worse. I didn’t get beta-alanine tingles because of the half dosage and whether it was because I believed it wouldn’t affect me or not like placebo I didn’t see a change in my work capacity (more or less reps when i took the supplement vs when I didn’t). I was disappointed after reading all the positive reviews on this product and rather surprised looking back at how many people had success with this product.
    Amazon currently has the lowest price for this product at $29.99. This comes out to $1 per scoop, which for a pre-workout is fine but not worth it for the results I got during my trial. i could have gotten caffeine pills for pennies and gotten the same effect.
    —-Side Effects—-
    Energy feeling will eventually be adapted to and diminished by your body.
    A caffeine heavy pre workout that turns out to be a one trick pony.

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K-XR - Supplement Reviews (2024)
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